Counselor assignments are by student last name:
A-F Anne Schonauer
G-Ka Erika Vasquez
Ke-Re Marissa Meadows
Rh-Z Susan Martin
Individual Appointments with Counselors Feb 10-11: Counselors will continue meeting with individual students this week to confirm course selections. All class requests are due to the district office by the end of the week!
CSF Applications are OPEN! All 10th -12th graders can apply for California Scholarship Federation (CSF) membership during the month of February. Applications can be found here and are also available in the Counseling Office. The cost is $7 on the webstore. Four semesters of membership qualify a student as Lifetime CSF member, which allows students to wear a gold stole at graduation. Please come to the Counseling Office if you have more questions, or email the CSF Advisor, Ms. Schonauer, at