Acalanes Community Always (ACA)

Support the Garden Club and buy Acalanes-grown succulents! Plants can be purchased through the Acalanes webstore for $5.25. They will be delivered to your student during 3rd period, or you can pick them up at the main office at Acalanes. Thanks for your support!


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The AHS Community Can’t Be Canceled campaign, initially created in 2020 by Acalanes Leadership, was a successful effort to generate spirit and a great sense of belonging between Acalanes and the greater Lafayette community during the pandemic and beyond.

From “Let’s Paint This Town Blue” to the Senior Car Rally and all the individual class spirit efforts in between, it helped to pull us together. Going forward, ACA • Acalanes Community Always will replace this effort and we hope you’ll join this Acalanes Parents Club effort and get involved!

Other ACA initiatives in the works:

  • ACA Days – On-campus Lafayette community fair to look forward to when campus is open to all
  • Dons Spirit Team – Be part of an effort focused on increasing our Dons Spirit 
  • DonsAlums – Facebook network for Dons Alumni to connect with each other and get more involved at Acalanes
  • Jobs4Dons – Job network focused on networking, interviewing, resume writing & job opportunities for current and recent Dons 

Email to join the fun.