The Acalanes College and Career Center serves the entire student population of Acalanes High School in collaboration with the AUHSD school district and its fellow school sites. The purpose is to provide resources for all students in their preparation for life after high school. Whether that includes a four year or two year college, the military, technical training or a gap year, the AHS CCC aims to provide students with a place to research, share and learn how to pursue their goals.

College & Career

Seniors: If you student is interested in attending DVC, please sign up for Levy academy on Wednesday, Feb 19. A DVC college admissions representative will be visiting Acalanes to walk students through the admissions process.

  • AAUW Scholarship for a female senior with significant community service - applications are due Feb 12.
  • Seniors - please update your admissions’ decisions on MaiaLearning. This is important!

Juniors: During the following academy sessions, juniors will be called into the library by last name to learn how to use our college planning tool, MaiaLearning. Feb 21(Rh-Z), Feb 26 (G-Ka), Feb 28 (Ke-Re), and Mar 7 (A-F).

Career Fair - Wednesday, Mar 12
Acalanes High School will host an exciting school-wide Career Fair during Academy on Wednesday, Mar 12.  In addition to inviting local businesses who are looking for student employees, we will have nonprofit agencies at tables promoting their volunteer opportunities. 

We are looking for 2-3 people per field to interact with students at various table stations. If you would like to support us or recommend someone, please email Bryce Birdsong at and Debbie Levy at Please provide your name, job title, and phone number. We will follow up with all contacts. Thank you for helping our Acalanes students explore careers.

Thank you for your support!

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Debbie Levy, the Acalanes College and Career Advisor, is here to help students discover their passions and pursue college and career opportunities.

High impact workshops on college application, essay writing, financial aid, use of Naviance (the online college application tool) along with volunteer, internship, and career options.

The College and Career Center is off the front quad next to the Counseling Office.