- Free student Peer Tutoring. Academic expectations and standards can be tough. APC understands that. We fund 100% of Peer Tutoring, an academically nurturing environment led by professionals and staffed by students who have been there, done that, with almost every teacher at AHS.
- College & Career Center programs. The C&C Center helps guide students on their post-Acalanes journey, taking the stress out of the process and helping students see the opportunities that lie ahead.
- Investment in Culture & Community. APC helps students create and maintain connection and belonging to the school and to each other through speakers and in-school programming.
- Parent Liaison Advisors. APC liaisons help leadership students plan and execute events throughout the year to involve and connect all students to AHS and their class.
- Academic Club Support. Academics and learning do not stop at the classroom door. APC supports clubs in external memberships and competitions so students are able to extend learning outside of our campus.
- Finals Fuel. An AHS tradition during finals week. A kind “good luck” and a healthy snack provided by parent volunteers is sometimes all our students need to take on yet another final during a stressful week.
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