Volunteer Service Awards
All applications for the Acalanes and President’s Service Awards are due by Friday, Apr 14. Each service hour needs to be signed off by the volunteer service organization and all forms must be submitted with a volunteer service application by this Friday. This is a great opportunity to recognize our Acalanes students who give back. Visit the Volunteer ServiceAward page to learn more and find the forms.
Please email communityservice@acalanesparentsclub.com with any questions.
APC Spring Grants Have Been Awarded
Thank you to the parents, teachers and staff who submitted proposals for an APC Grant. APC Grants are funded through parent donations. We are pleased to announce four grants have been awarded this spring:
- Peer Tutoring will receive funds to incentivize students to attend a new seminar program. Topics covered will be such as Tips for Studying for a Math Test, The Benefits of Developing Relationships with your Teachers and Tips for Writing an English Essay.
- Campus Enhancement Committee will receive funds to replace top boards of the retaining wall adjacent to the Acalanes swimming pool. This will ensure a safe and improved experience for students and visiting families when they come for swim meets during the year and over the summer.
- The Student Diversity Board will receive funds to design and hang banners in order to show support for celebratory and diversity-related events.
- AHS Garden Space (in association with Science dept) will receive funds for restoration and spring planting in the AHS garden spaces, specifically for soil amendments, gopher baskets, and plants.