Finals Fuel – We’re Almost There!
Thank you to all the families who have already contributed. We are close, but still need some more help to pull off this beloved Acalanes/APC tradition.
Help our students finish strong by providing snacks in between their finals. You can help refuel and recharge our Dons in several ways:
- Purchase snacks now and deliver to a residence near AHS
- Purchase snacks from our Amazon wish list and items will be sent directly to a residence for transport to AHS
- Donate money and we’ll shop for you: Venmo @Stephanie-Asadorian (any amount is welcome and appreciated)
- Volunteer to hand out snacks on campus Wednesday, Dec 18 – Friday, Dec 20
Please click on the SignUpGenius and/or Amazon Wish List to help.
Contact Regan Scovic and Stephanie Asadorian with any questions. Thank you in advance for your support!
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