There was a lot of ACA spirit on campus this past week with the pick-up of yearbooks, class t-shirts and Acalanes flags. Students were greeted in the drive-by pick up line by leadership students and class liaisons smiling widely under their masks. Some fun music and floating bubbles helped to add life to campus for our students. The ACA team is eager to share campus clean-up details once there is a reduction in smoke. The goal is to get teams of students and parents socially-distanced in zones to help spruce up campus so it will be ready to shine when a hybrid schedule goes into effect. Finally, the plans for our AHS Alums are starting to take shape. Know any “famous” alums (or ones with a great redemption story) who would be willing to share it? Let Dawn Brightbill or Sarah Cusumano know at if any of these efforts fire up your ACA spirit!