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Wellness Center

Resilience is defined by the Oxford dictionary as the ability to withstand or recover quickly from difficulties. Let’s be honest, this is one of the most valuable skills that one can have in life. While suffering in life is inevitable, resilience allows us to move past it, and even capitalize on it, by fostering personal growth. Here are a few things to keep in mind if you are hoping to develop resilience within your AHS student or yourself:

Self Awareness – being in tune with oneself increases our ability to understand our emotions and act in accordance with what aligns with our values. Ultimately, this reduces inner conflict which reduces suffering.

Mindfulness – taking in the present moment for solely what it is creates a space in which we may feel more in control of ourselves. Instead of passing judgment, take a deep breath and consider what decisions can be made to achieve our desired outcome.

Self Care – if we are not taking care of ourselves (exercising, eating, recreating, etc.) suffering increases. Consider the fact that sleep is now viewed as one of the strongest health indicators.

Community – humans are extremely social creatures. Creating meaningful, healthy connections with others can help lessen the negative effects of suffering. Sharing personal experiences with people you trust can increase resilience.

Purpose – this point goes along with self-awareness. Finding purpose in what we do with our lives has the potential to be grounding  when times get tough.
Kiara Thomas-Wellness Intake Specialist