We can’t believe the year has come to an end! It’s been a journey for all of us and we feel so honored to have played some small part in the lives of these incredibly resilient and hard-working students. When we re-open in the fall, we look forward to connecting with new students and reconnecting with returning students. After three years, Casey Sasner will say goodbye (with tears and gratitude) as she moves on to an internship at a clinic in San Francisco providing free therapy to folks who need it as part of her journey toward becoming a LMFT. We’ll welcome a new and incredible Intake Specialist who we know students will love. Allen will continue on as the full-time Wellness Coordinator. We will be joined by an amazing new counseling intern team. We wish you peace, joy, and wellness this summer. Please see our Guide to Summer Resources here. (CS 5/20 @2:20)
Allen Choi, Wellness Coordinator
Casey Sasner, Intake Specialist
For updates, tips and advice, follow Wellness on Social Media: Instagram @acalaneswellness