We wanted to provide some details on our process and plan for in-person services which will be rolled out gradually over the coming weeks. Having taken into account student needs, health regulations, and availability of Wellness staff given already existing services being provided in the distance model, we will be offering targeted one-on-ones and groups to be delivered outdoors, masked, and physically distanced. We are targeting the highest needs students (including but not limited to self-harm/suicidal ideation/prior hospitalization, severely depressed, limited or no outside support, students in danger of failing, and others deemed necessary on a case-by-case basis). As with all Wellness services, we emphasize student self-determination, and we will neither require nor pressure students to meet with us in-person. Invitations to groups and clubs that support the broader student community (like BC2M and leadership) which have established relationships with Wellness will be offered group opportunities. Logistics will be developed based on student interest and needs as we gain learning and we will share as it all evolves.
Allen Choi, Wellness Coordinator
Casey Sasner, Intake Specialist
For updates, tips and advice, follow Wellness on Social Media: Instagram @acalaneswellness