The CCC is alive and well, just remote!
Join me:
Fridays from 10:15-11am Zoom Academy “Things To Do for Juniors” Check school loop for invitation link.
Facebook Page for Students
Have your senior or junior join the College and Career Student FB page to post where they are going to college and share information about the process with each other.
This is a great time for seniors to look into scholarship options to support their college educations. Following are some to consider though there are hundreds to review online via a quick google search:
- Matt Lynn Scholarship, email Ms. Reicher for details. Deadline April 10, 2020
- PB&J Scholarship Fund
- Wa Sung Community Service Club
Naviance Portal
Update Senior parents: now that many more decisions have come out, please ask your senior to update all college results on their Naviance Portal so that we can complete the senior survey and juniors can use the data in critical research.
Student Meetings
I will be available via School Loop or email: Wendy Reicher to support all students. Seniors and Juniors: meet with me on the phone! To schedule appointments use this Calendly link. We can discuss application acceptances and rejections for seniors; for juniors, let’s talk about application prep questions, list development, use of Naviance and more.
Assemblymember Rebecca Bauer-Kahan is seeking summer interns. Rising juniors and seniors submit a resume and cover letter to with “Summer Internship Application” in the subject line of your email.