News & Announcements

Student Activities

Don’t miss the Homecoming recap video produced by Val Grossi and the tech team in leadership. It details out what an amazing week HOCO 2024 was!
The annual Acalanes Fall Blood Drive is Oct 30. You can make appointments through the Red Cross website (link to page). You must create an account and find the Acalanes Blood Drive on the Find a Drive page. Our goal is to have 46 donors. If you have any questions please reach out to Ms. Walton or
Breaking Down the Walls From Oct 22 – 24 all 10th and 11th grade students will participate in Breaking Down The Walls. The Breaking Down the Walls program is a unique opportunity for students and staff to connect, share their stories, and realize…

“It’s hard to hate someone whose story you know.”
Thanks to APC funding, this program creates a safe environment for students to build empathy and understanding through a “play, trust, learn” model. By first helping students laugh together, they start to trust one another and eventually want to learn from those outside their regular friend group. The assembly, training, and workshops leave everyone with the realization that we are truly BETTER TOGETHER! 

Breaking Down the Walls strengthens social and emotional learning (SEL), specifically building social awareness and relationship skills vital to student growth and success. 

  • Meaningful connections and positive relationships
    • Bring students together and provide dedicated time for them to connect and build relationships. 
  • Empathy and Understanding
    • Allow students to share their stories, hear their peers’ stories, and learn they are better together. 
  • Thriving Campus Culture
    • Create an inclusive culture where students say, “I belong here; I am safe here; I can learn and grow here.” 

Here is a 4-minute video from the organization with testimonials from students. Students will be participating during one of the three days, assigned by last name. Look for more specific information next week. 

October is PINK for breast cancer awareness! Get your Dons pink shirt to wear at the various Pink Out games including football on Oct 11 vs. Miramonte. Only a few left! 

LatinX Heritage Month Speaker: Anthony Rodriguez Yao. On Oct 10, 2024, at 5:30pm in the library, we are excited to welcome Anthony Rodriguez Yao as our featured speaker for LatinX Heritage Month. Anthony is an immigration attorney who will share his story and shed light on his experiences. There will also be an opportunity for questions, so come prepared! We look forward to seeing you there! 

Starting to think about holiday cards and gifts? Shop at Minted. Not only do you get 20% off, Acalanes gets 15% of all sales when you use the code FUNDRAISEACALANES.

The Community Outreach and Improvement Program is hosting a drive for the Lamorinda branch of the American Association of University Women from Sep 30 to Oct 11. Please donate your gently used sneakers to the bins outside the front office! The donations fund scholarships for women in our community! Please check out their website for more donation options and information. 

If you ordered spiritwear from the Gryco webstore and haven’t picked it up, please email Katherine Walton and she can leave it in the attendance office for you. 

2024-2025 Clubs
Looking to connect your student to a passion? Here are 77 unique clubs on campus, from Archery Club to the Red Cross Club. 

Looking to stay informed? Follow us on Instagram for the latest on student activities and class happenings.
Katherine Walton, Activities Director