News & Announcements

Student Activities

Adopt-a-Family Thank you to our incredible community for opting in to adopt 74 families this holiday season (it is the most EVER)! We delivered the gifts to Families First on Friday and they were overwhelmed with gratitude for our school’s support and response to need. THANK YOU!

Sock & Heavy Coat Drive Together, Stanley & Acalanes, donated 25 FULL black bags of heavy coats & socks to a homeless encampment in Martinez over the weekend. THANK YOU for all your support!
Acalanes Spirit Wear  Spiritwear is still available and pick-up is this week! Purchase via the web store. Check them out!

As we end the first semester, we just want to say thank you for all your support, energy, spirit, thoughts & participation. It has been SUCH a pleasure to be back & we look forward to all that is to come in 2022!
Katherine Walton, Student Activities Director