- COVID VACCINE: I continue to encourage you to get your students and your families vaccinated. Please contact me for support if needed.
- Proof of vaccination: Try this site: https://myvaccinerecord.cdph.ca.gov/
- Need more masks? Your students do!!! Many students are arriving at school without a mask. Please make sure to have a generous supply of clean masks at home for your students. Keep an extra supply in the car too! And maybe even their backpacks and lockers… Everyone wears a mask indoors (outdoors optional with social distancing) and is encouraged to practice good hand hygiene.
- Any student that has illness symptoms should stay home until they have been symptom-free for at least 24 hours. If your student has NOT been vaccinated for COVID and/or has had a fever, please provide a negative Covid test result.
- If your student has a medical condition and/or needs medication available at school, please go to this link on my webpage to get the appropriate forms. All forms need to be filled out completely and signed by both the parents and the physician. Please bring any/all unexpired medication in its original bottle directly to me so that I can review the required medical documentation at that time.
- If there are any updates to your student’s vaccination record, please send me a copy. If your student is missing any required immunizations, they may not be able to be at school until those are complete. Please get in touch with me as soon as possible.
Quick Links
Please be in touch with me to discuss any medical, health, or wellness concerns.
Stay healthy and be well,
Dvora Citron, RN, MS
925-280-2970 x7128
Acalanes School Nurse Google Site
IG: acalanesschoolnurse