Medical Documentation for Students
We still need updated medical documentation for your student, especially if they will be participating in the Hybrid Model. Does your student need medication available at school? Does your student have updated medical issues/health issues? Do they have a new immunization record? Parents, please make sure you turn in any pertinent medical forms for your students for this school year, especially if your students will be in the Hybrid Model. See this page on my website and let me know if you have any questions.
PTG (Posttraumatic Growth): Using Challenge To Cultivate Resilience
During this pandemic, we are ALL experiencing trauma, grief, and loss, individually and collectively, and that cannot and should not be minimized in any way. I want to encourage everyone to look for opportunities for growth and resilience. We can set an intention to practice anchoring ourselves in core values that support health and wellness, including gratitude, self-care, and generosity (to name a few). Try visualizing those values as “eyeglasses” that you put on (ex: now I am putting on my gratitude glasses. What does my perspective look like from here?).
I implore you and your families to be vigilant about staying healthy and taking whatever precautions you can to prevent the spread of COVID in your households and families, and in our community. Our school district is working hard to create a protocol to promote safety and health on our school sites and in our school community. We need to be cohesive partners in working together to promote health and safety in our community. Thank you for your commitment!
Be COVID Proactive!
See update on my google site. Stay healthy by keeping this symptom checklist in mind. “Bubbles” and “Pods” – consider the “stealth health” of yours.
Dvora Citron, RN, MS
Acalanes School Nurse Google Site
IG: acalanesschoolnurse