Chicken Pox???
As of July 2019, two doses of varicella vaccine are required for California schools. Your student’s immunization record may need to be updated. Please check your records. If your student still needs the 2nd dose, this is a great time to get a FLU SHOT too! Flu vaccines are available at most medical practices and pharmacies.
Part of our “new normal” needs to be checking our temperature each morning, especially if you are leaving your house to be in any public/social environment. That means if you don’t already have a thermometer, this is a good time to get one!
Be Covid Proactive!
See update on my google site. Stay healthy by keeping this symptom checklist in mind.
Parents: Feeling Overwhelmed? Who isn’t???
I found this TedTalk with Elizabeth Gilbert validating and nourishing.
Here’s a great one-pager on SLEEP to remind you why it’s so good for us.
Is your student interested in joining the Acalanes Health & Medicine Student Club? They meet at lunch on the 2nd and 3rd Tuesdays. Check it out here.
Please get in touch with me with any questions, concerns, and/or requests. I look forward to being in touch and connected!
Dvora Citron, RN, MS
Acalanes School Nurse Google Site
IG: acalanesschoolnurse