News & Announcements


We look forward to having you “GO ALL IN FOR OUR KIDS”!
Check your inbox Monday morning, October 19th for a link to purchase tickets or click
here. Tickets go on sale at 9am.

Subscribe to LPIE Podcasts!
This series spotlights how LPIE directly supports every Lafayette school, teacher, student and parent. Check out Episode 3, featuring Acalanes teacher Katherine Walton, who wears many hats at Acalanes including leadership teacher, Ethnic Studies teacher, and Teacher on Special Assignment for Culture, Climate & Equity, proudly funded in full by LPIE. This podcast episode talks about the new Ethnic Studies course, her work in equity and is a really inspiring discussion including lots of useful information that parents (or anyone) can put to work for themselves and their children.

LauraKate Rurka & Jennifer Palmer
Acalanes LPIE School Chairs