News & Announcements

General Administration Announcements

Acalanes Back to School Night (BTSN) is this Thursday, Aug 29 from 5:15-8pm!

Please plan to join at 5:15pm in the front quad for a parent and staff reception hosted by the Acalanes Parents Club (APC). Principal Shawn will share some remarks around 5:30pm and classroom visits start at 6pm.

As mentioned above, this evening is for us, the parents/caregivers, to experience what our students experience each and every school day – you don’t want to miss it!
Important Reminder: be sure to print the BTSN Program here and write down your student’s schedule and room numbers so you know where to goPrint and fold like a book.

Driver Etiquette at the New Raised Crosswalk on Stanley Boulevard
The City of Lafayette recently completed construction of the raised crosswalk on Stanley Boulevard near AHS. A raised crosswalk is a ramped speed table spanning the entire width of the roadway and acts as a traffic calming measure that allows pedestrians to cross at grade with the adjacent sidewalk. In addition, the new crosswalk includes flashing beacons that are activated by a push button to alert drivers of pedestrians crossing it.

This serves as a friendly reminder that drivers must yield to pedestrians and stop at the yield markings (sometimes called “shark teeth” markings) when pedestrians are crossing or preparing to cross. Drivers should not block the crosswalk when waiting for the traffic to move.