News & Announcements


See the note in the Juniors section about a presentation from counseling and College & Career Center next week, Oct 6 on Zoom.

Friday, Oct 9 – Last Day to Drop a Class
Students must email their counselor to do this. Students can drop a class if their remaining schedule will still have six classes. It is too late to add a new class. Email your counselor with any questions.

End of Quarter
October 9 is the end of the quarter grading period. Grades will be updated the following week. It’s gone by fast! Quarter grades are essentially progress reports at the halfway point in the semester. Grades and credits are updated on the transcript at the end of each semester. 

For Seniors ordering transcripts, have your list of colleges updated on Naviance and pay the $5 fee for official transcripts on the webstore. Mrs. Finn, the registrar, will process requests. Please contact Mrs. Finn with questions. Students can review unofficial transcripts in Aeries.

Counselor appointments
We love talking to our students! Email is the best way to reach us. Counselors have appointment slots for students and will email them a link for signing up. We are trying to reserve the limited slots outside of class time for students. Parents can schedule a time when students are in class. Counselor Assignments Student last names:

A- Ed  Anne Schonauer
Ee-Kr  Christine Todd
Ku-Ros  Marissa Meadows
Rot-Z  Susan Martin