News & Announcements


Counselor assignments are by student last name:
A-F Anne Schonauer  
G-Ka Erika Vasquez
Ke-Re Marissa Meadows 
Rh-Z Susan Martin

Wishing everyone the best of luck with final exams! Here is the finals schedule.

Final semester grades will be available on Friday, Jan 10. Transcripts will be updated, and mid-year reports for Common Application schools will be sent for seniors’ college applications. 

Juniors ONLY SAT in March – REGISTER NOW: The webstore link is now live/activated to pay for SAT fees for juniors only. The price per exam is $60 and is scheduled during the school day on Wednesday, Mar 5, 2025. The deadline to submit payment through the webstore is Monday, Jan 6, 2025. Your webstore receipt is your confirmation of your registration. If you have any questions, please contact our Testing Coordinator, Jamielle McDonald by email