ACA Back to School “March Madness”
Whether your student is returning in-person or is remaining in distance learning, let’s ALL show our ACA spirit as we move into this new phase of our school year this week. Here are some ways to do so:
- Fly your ACA flag!! Don’t have one? Stop by Sideboard to pick one up and grab a coffee or meal while you’re there.
- Decorate your Student’s Mailbox! Decoration kits were distributed to all students during student campus orientation last week. Tape an Acalanes “A” & blue balloons to your mailbox!
- Encourage Students to Wear ACA STRONG Shirts on March 16 and 17
- Senior & Junior Car Painting March 14 from 1-2:30 in the Acalanes parking lot. We will provide the paint!
- Join the fun & buy an ACA Parent/Sibling Strong Shirt. This is a grey version of the student/staff ACA Strong shirt. You can purchase now via the Acalanes webstore for $10 and pick up from Acalanes after you receive your confirmation email.
Sunday, March 21 from 12-3pm – Spring Campus Clean Up
Let’s reconnect, share school spirit, and spruce up our school! All are welcome – students, parents, teachers, staff and community members. This is a great opportunity for friends, family members, clubs and teams to work together in socially-distanced zones. Participation hours count towards the Acalanes Volunteer Service Award. Click here to sign up. Questions? Email
Questions, comments, or feedback, email