APC in Action
Join us on Friday, Feb 21 in the Collaboration Center for coffee, treats and informative dialogue! This month’s topics include;
- Artificial intelligence update by John Walker, Associate Superintendent
- No Hate Speech zone and BIRT
- CAASPP testing information
- Activities Report from student leaders
- Q&A with Principal Shawn
We hope to see you Friday!
Acalanes Parents Club is looking to award grants that will enhance and enrich the educational experience of AHS students in new and innovative ways. Teachers, staff and students are encouraged to submit ideas for meaningful programs and educational equipment. Click here to read more and access the application.
Application deadline extended until Friday, Feb 21!
Acalanes Student Community Service Awards: Deadline Friday, Apr 18
The Acalanes community service awards program year is in full swing so please make sure your students are logging those hours! It’s a great opportunity for students to give back AND be recognized for their service. Students who volunteer at least 30 qualifying hours by Apr 18 will get an Acalanes Service Award and there is an opportunity to receive a Presidential Service Award with additional levels of service hours. For more information on how to create a Helper Helper account, what qualifies as community service, and the additional requirements for a Presidential Service Award, please check out our volunteer website or email communityservice@
Follow Acalanes Parents Club on Instagram. Please reach out to APC here with any questions.
Campus Culture Committee
Upcoming Important Dates
- February: Black Excellence Month
- Jan29 – Feb 16: Lunar New Year
- Feb 28 – Mar 29: Ramadan
ALL ARE WELCOME HERE T-shirts have arrived! For just $20 you can support the Campus Culture Committee of APC while wearing a stylish black t-shirt that lets everyone know what the Dons are all about. Reach out here for payment information and how to get your shirt. Available in M and L only at this time.
Monday, Feb 24 is our next Campus Culture Committee meeting. Parents and guardians of all current Acalanes students are invited to attend.
Black Excellence Month continues with BSU student meetings each Wednesday of February. Please support them by encouraging your students to attend the club’s events, including the Movie Night with Potluck on Feb 21 and the Quad City Dance on Feb 28.
If you’d like to help with any celebrations or join in our cultural discussions, please contact the Campus Culture Committee here and don’t forget to follow us on Instagram and Facebook to keep up to date with what the students are doing to celebrate all of these wonderful cultures and special dates.
Don’t forget to follow us on Instagram and Facebook to keep up to date with what the students are doing to celebrate all of these wonderful cultures and special dates.
Student Activities
- Wednesday academy: Health Career Panel in room 314
- Wednesday lunch: BSU & MSU collab meeting in room 314
- Thursday lunch: Frosh carnival in the pumpkin patch
- Friday academy: Dr. Ty Douglas, Associate Athletic Director at CAL, in the library
- Friday lunch: Finance talk- How to Go From a Teacher’s Salary to a Millionaire with Mr. Buchel in room 316
- Friday 5pm: BSU potluck + Hidden Figures showing
- Elections: Feb 26-28
- Quad City district dance hosted by AUHSD BSU’s: Feb 28
- Color Run + Holi celebration: Mar 16 at 9am
- Prom ticket sales are open – prom is Apr 19
- Intramural girls flag football sign-ups
Got talent? Students can sign up to perform in OR be one of the senior hosts at Acalanes High School’s Talent Show on Mar 18!
Encourage your student to come to the Health Career Speaker Panel on Wednesday, Feb 19 during academy in room 314 to hear the experiences of 4 Acalanes community members who have worked in various health professions! This will be the first speaker panel of a monthly series, where each speaker will share their career journey, insights, and advice.
SEED High School Friendship Circle
Friendship buddies wanted to hang out and socialize with youth with special needs on Feb 20 from 5-6:30pm at LOPC. Students can email susan@lopc.org to volunteer.
The annual Acalanes Spring Blood Drive is on Tuesday, Feb 25! You and/or your student can make appointments through the Red Cross website (link here). You must create an account to sign up. If you have any questions please reach out to caroline.urick25@auhsdschools.
The Enviro board is holding a prom dress drive this year through Mar 29. There will be two locations with bins where people can drop off prom dresses and accessories: the Lafayette Community Center and in front of the Acalanes attendance office. The dresses will go to the San Francisco Princess Project which distributes the prom dresses to people who need them
February is Black Excellence Month
As a community, we will celebrate Black Excellence throughout the month of February.
Potluck + Movie Night
In honor of Black Excellence Month, BSU will be hosting a potluck before a showing of Hidden Figures in the front quad. The potluck will be on Feb 21 at 5pm and the movie will start at 5:30pm. Please sign up to bring food. Another event to put in your calendar is the Quad City Dance on Feb 28 at 7:30pm at Las Lomas. It is a district wide dance open to all and is $10 on Go Fan.
2025-2026 Leadership for the Class of 2029
Leadership applications for the 2025-2026 school year are now available for incoming 9th graders and due Feb 20. There are 16 different committees and an interest for everyone. Find all the information here
Introducing the 2nd Annual Contra Costa Shark Tank Youth Competition
Your student can win $2,000 to launch or grow their business! No idea is too small! This competition is a fun way to promote youth entrepreneurship among K-12 students in Contra Costa County. When young people succeed as entrepreneurs, they improve their own lives while also contributing to the economic development of their local communities. Visit www.contracostasharktank.org to learn more. Finalists will be selected by the Campolindo High School Entrepreneurship Club and winners selected by a panel of judges on May 1 at the Lafayette Library. Deadline to apply is Mar 15!
Mar 16: Color Run
Mar 18: Talent show
Apr 19: Junior & senior prom
Apr 25: Special Olympics
Apr 23-26: School musicalLooking to stay informed? Follow us on Instagram for the latest on student activities and class happenings.
Katherine Walton, Activities Director
College & Career
- If your student is interested in attending DVC, please sign up for Levy academy on Wednesday, Feb 19. A DVC college admissions representative will be visiting Acalanes to walk students through the admissions process.
- Please encourage your senior to update their admissions’ decisions on MaiaLearning. This is important!
Juniors: During the following academy sessions, juniors will be called into the library by last name to learn how to use our college planning tool, MaiaLearning. Feb 21(Rh-Z), Feb 26 (G-Ka), Feb 28 (Ke-Re), and Mar 7 (A-F).
Career Fair – Wednesday, Mar 12
Acalanes High School will host an exciting school-wide Career Fair during Academy on Wednesday, Mar 12. In addition to inviting local businesses who are looking for student employees, we will have nonprofit agencies at tables promoting their volunteer opportunities.
We are looking for 2-3 people per field to interact with students at various table stations. If you would like to support us or recommend someone, please email Bryce Birdsong at bryce.birdsong26@
Thank you for your support!
Counselor assignments are by student last name:
A-F Anne Schonauer
G-Ka Erika Vasquez
Ke-Re Marissa Meadows
Rh-Z Susan Martin
CSF Applications are OPEN! The CSF application period is open! CSF (California Scholarship Federation) is an honor society. Current 10th, 11th and 12th graders are encouraged to apply. A complete CSF application has 2 parts- an application form and a payment on the webstore. Turn in forms in the counseling office. The deadline is Feb 28 for both the form and the payment! Students who are members for at least 4 semesters, including during senior year, will get special stole to wear at graduation. Read the FAQ on the application form and contact Ms. Schonauer for any clarification.
School Nurse
What to eat when you have the flu (or a stomach illness): If your student has nausea, vomiting or diarrhea, remember the BRAT (bananas, (white) rice, applesauce and toast) diet. You normally see me encouraging a focus on whole foods that are naturally high in fiber (vegetables, fruits, whole grains, legumes, nuts & seeds) but with an upset stomach, we tolerate bland foods with less fiber. I, myself, have been afflicted this week. I found that saltines, cheerios, bananas, applesauce and tea + honey have been helpful. Make sure to keep those poor kids well-hydrated!
Do your students take asthma medications? Many of those medications put them at higher risk for dental problems. Make sure your student is getting regular dental hygiene and exams, and that their own dental hygiene is excellent. I just learned that it’s recommended to rinse and spit each time you use your inhaler!
Please reach out to me for any support your students or family might need.
My office hours are:
Tuesdays, Wednesdays and some* Thursdays
Tuesdays & Thursdays: 8am – 3:50pm
Wednesdays: 7:30am – 3:20pm
Always Your School Nurse,
Dvora Citron, RN, MS
dcitron@auhsdschools.org, 925-280-2970 x7128
IG: acalanesschoolnurse, School Nurse Website
*The game schedule below reflects dates and times as of last Friday. Games may change for several reasons, including weather. If you have questions or comments, please contact Acalanes Sports Boosters.
This week’s can’t miss events:
Boys basketball
Tuesday, Feb 18 NCS Playoff First Round at 7pm.
Friday, Feb 21 NCS Quarterfinal at 7pm.
Girls basketball
Thursday, Feb 20 NCS Quarterfinal at 7pm.
Boys soccer
Tuesday, Feb 18 NCS Playoff First Round.
Friday, Feb 21 NCS Quarterfinal.
Girls soccer
Tuesday, Feb 18 NCS Playoff First Round.
Friday, Feb 21 NCS Quarterfinal.
Friday, Feb 21 and Saturday, Feb 22 NCS Boys Championship at James Logan HS.
Friday, Feb 21 and Saturday, Feb 22 NCS Girls Championship at Albany HS.
Track & Field
Saturday, Feb 22 Acalanes Time Trials.
You may view the full 2024-2025 Athletic Schedule by clicking HERE.
General Administration Announcements
Emergency Alarms Check: On Monday February 10 we will be testing the different emergency alarms systems at Acalanes from 3:45pm-4:45pm. Please know the alarms going off at this time are not indicating an emergency. We will be reviewing our emergency procedures, updating staff, and drilling with students the first week of March.
Reminder: Monday, Feb 10 is a Friday Block Schedule.
APC in Action
Acalanes Parents Club is looking to award grants that will enhance and enrich the educational experience of AHS students in new and innovative ways. Teachers, staff and students are encouraged to submit ideas for meaningful programs and educational equipment. Click here to read more and access the application! Applications are due by Friday, Feb 14.
During the fall semester, Peer Tutoring had almost 5000 visits from students of all grade levels. Our students have come to rely upon the program for a productive, welcoming place to study and get academic support. Our tutors not only work with students who drop in to Room 107, but are also requested by faculty to provide additional help in the classroom. Teachers have already effectively used our tutors over 130 times for help with test prep, test review, essay editing and math support just between August and December.
This past semester, as with its previous 25+ year history, Peer Tutoring has continued to be an invaluable component to the success of Acalanes and its students. We thank APC for funding 100% of the Peer Tutoring program and you for your continued support.
Please reach out to Angela Ketcham or Bill Powers with any questions.
Follow Acalanes Parents Club on Instagram. Please reach out to APC here with any questions.