In March, we continue to celebrate Women’s History Month (WHM) and Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month.
- Chicago Tribune’s celebration of WHM – stream the best movies directed by women!
- Enjoy this TedX talk ADHD sucks, but not really.
Monday, Mar 22 from 1pm – AUHSD Asian Student and Staff Gathering
We acknowledge the rise in anti-Asian sentiment covered in the news over the past several weeks. Wellness Coordinators from Acalanes and Miramonte, Allen and Andie, will host a drop-in space for any Asian-identifying student or staff person who wants to process these experiences and tackle topics such as the model minority myth. Zoom information is available via Canvas, or contact the Wellness Center.
Thursday, Mar 25 from 6-7:30pm – Final AUHSD Book Club of the Year hosted by Las Lomas High School.
The book selection is “Becoming” by Michelle Obama (adapted for young readers). RSVP here. Las Lomas is encouraging purchase from Marcus Books in Oakland to support a local black business.
Volunteer opportunities for Acalanes DEI – get involved!
We are looking for new people to join our efforts and get in on the highly relevant work of DEI. Email us! Several subcommittees are looking for help, including the Communications team. If you believe in the need for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion and enjoy writing, are a social media wizard or a webmaster, come join us!