What a week! We are hopeful that the worst of the black-outs and fires are behind us for now, and that this newsletter finds your family safe and sound. The plan is to reschedule the APC Parent Education Making Vaping History Event that was cancelled last week. We will let you know when it’s back on the calendar. We could all probably use the tools that will be shared at APC’s Mindfulness & Meditation Workshop put on by AHS Wellness staff this Thursday (see details in the Parent Ed section below).
Be sure to check our new APC website created by APC webmaster Brian Flint with guidance from Kristen Labrosse who runs the APC communications team. Their hard work has really paid off in creating an attractive, user-friendly, informative site that contains content relevant to our parent community. Our website has a link to the AHS and Dons Show Up calendars which include events for almost every activity on campus. We’d love your feedback!
Just a reminder that there is no school on the 11th as our country’s veterans are honored.
Dawn Brightbill & Sarah Cusumano