Peer Tutoring Seminar #2: The Importance of Self Talk, Wednesday, Nov 13
We do not hear any voice more than our own and how we “speak” to ourselves is so important – it can be friend or foe. Peer Tutoring is excited to welcome Don alum and current Mental Performance Coach/Assistant Boys Basketball Coach, Joey Hewitt, who will present information about the importance of self talk and techniques that will encourage more positive self talk. This session will take place during lunch on the 13th. Please encourage your student to attend and to share what they learn!
APC Fall Grants Have Been Awarded – Fall ‘24
Thank you to the teachers, students and staff who submitted proposals for an APC Fall Grant. APC Grants are funded through parents annual donations – so THANK YOU parents! We are pleased to announce the following grants have been awarded so far this fall:
- The ACA garden will refresh their winter garden with fresh organic soil, winter vegetable seed starts and new gardening tools.
- A newly formed Culinary Passport Club will provide food tastings and cultural events where they offer sampling of cuisines they are focused on that month.
- The school nurse’s office will get 3 new beds. First time in over 20 years!
- The CTE department will receive materials to build 2 oversized Adirondack chairs that will be painted ACA blue and placed on campus. Will make for great photo ops!
Follow Acalanes Parents Club on Instagram. Please reach out to APC here with any questions.
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