News & Announcements

APC in Action

Staff Appreciation Luncheon
APC is showing our teachers and staff how much we appreciate them with a Thanksgiving themed staff lunch on Monday, Nov 4. Please sign up HERE to bring an item if you are able to contribute. We are so grateful for your support!
October APC Dons Dialogue – Watch the Video or View the Slides!
Thank you to all who attended our Dons Dialogue on Friday, Oct 18. It was a packed house! This month’s topics included Peer Tutoring, Breaking Down the Walls, student safety expectations, a student activities report, and Q&A with Principal Shawn. If you were not able to attend, you can review the slides and video from the discussion. And thank you to our APC Hospitality Co-Chairs, Mia Heglie and Monica Stassi, for providing the welcoming coffee and treats! The next Dons Dialogue will be on Friday, Dec 13. Click here for the full schedule of upcoming Dons Dialogues.
Parent Volunteers Opportunity at Lunch
We have an incredible new volunteer opportunity! We are looking for help to oversee the student lunch line in the cafeteria on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays during the school week. This is an easy and fun way to volunteer on campus and a great opportunity to help with a friend! Volunteer shifts are less than an hour and there are lots of dates to choose from. You can sign up here. Please check-in at the front office when you arrive for your volunteer shift. Thank you for your support!
Student Volunteer Community Service Awards
The 2024-25 Student Volunteer Program has kicked off for the Acalanes and President’s Service Awards so please make sure your student is logging those hours!  It’s a great opportunity for students to give back AND be recognized for their service. You can read more about the awards here and email us at with any questions
Follow Acalanes Parents Club on Instagram. Please reach out to APC here with any questions.

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