News & Announcements

Acalanes Community Always (ACA)

Tuesday, Jan 26 at 10am ACA Chat Live with Andrea Powers & Katherine Walton
Join the first ACA Chat Live of 2021. If you haven’t joined before, these are “not to miss” events. Topics and Zoom details will be shared next week.

Thursday, Jan 28 ACA “We’ve Got Heart” DAY Campus Drive-Thru
ACA Strong spirit has kicked into high gear for 2021. Encourage your students to participate in the first ACA DAY of the new year. 

    • ALL students who attend will receive a new! ACA Strong blue t-shirt
    • Monument Crisis Center’s Food Drive – Donations of peanut butter and boxes of cereal would be greatly appreciated. The crisis center is servicing twice as many families during COVID-19 so all donations are welcome!
  • ACA DAY Schedule
    • 2:30-3:00pm SENIORS (Celebrating “College Apps are Done!”)
    • 3:00-3:30pm Juniors
    • 3:30-4:00pm Sophomores
    • 4:00-4:30pm Freshman

ACA Strong T-Shirts for Sale at ACA DAY
For AHS parents (and siblings) who also want the new ACA Strong t-shirt, we will have extras available for purchase at the ACA DAY Campus Drive-Thru on 1/28. $10, cash only please. 

Questions, comments, or feedback, email