While it may not be the first stress-reducing strategy to come to mind, connecting with others is easily one of the most effective and available. This is one of the reasons why students set their devices aside when they’re in the center and believe it or not, they’re happy they did. Time and time again, we see students who are overwhelmed connect with us and then turn around and connect with a peer in need. It feels good to talk it out; to learn that many of our experiences are universal; and to both give and receive words of compassion. Next time you’re feeling stressed or overwhelmed, do a scan of your emotions and notice where you feel them in your body. After you connect with a compassionate listener who you can count on to be supportive, scan again with close attention to your experience. If you can identify the feeling of a lowered stress response, share that with your kids and see if together, you can create a new habit! (CS 8/29)