Welcome Dons to your College and Career Center (CCC)! I am available for individual student meetings and would love to work with your Don. Students can sign up here. I will be hosting an academy on Wednesdays and Fridays for seniors to work together on college applications. I’ve also booked admissions rep visits for juniors and seniors so make sure your interested student checks Naviance and signs up to attend via Zoom on Mondays. We have so many events and resources to support our Dons!
Tuesday, Aug 25 7pm Value Priced College Night
Presented by Tim Lenahan, CPA. Stay tuned for registration and Zoom link.
- CCC Website
- Follow us on Instagram: @acalanesccc
- Facebook Page for Students Have your senior or junior join the College and Career Student FB page
Always feel free to contact me with questions: wreicher@auhsdschools.org
Wendy Reicher