News & Announcements

School Nurse

THANK YOU For Getting Your Students Vaccinated!!!
Click here for an appointment request.  It’s EASY to get one.

Now you can plan to get your 12-15 year old students vaccinated – WE HOPE YOU DO!

In collaboration with Contra Costa County Health Services, Kaiser Permanente, and the Contra Costa Office of Education, we will be holding free vaccine clinics for the public here at Acalanes on June 1-5, and at Las Lomas on June 8-12.  Make an appointment here. We have the potential to protect our school community…DO IT DONS!!! DONS PROTECT!

Please let me know if you want more information.

QUARANTINE – What Does It Mean?
Quarantine means you need to stay home for 10 days because of two possible reasons:

  1.  Your student is exhibiting symptoms that fall within possible signs and symptoms of COVID (which is almost everything!).  
    • Without COVID testing, your student can return to school after 10 days and after the symptoms have been resolved for at least 24 hours (without fever-reducing medication).
    • With a negative COVID test result, your student can return to school after the symptoms have been resolved for at least 24 hours (without fever-reducing medication).
  2. Your student has been exposed to someone who has tested positive for COVID.  In this case, your student must stay home for 10 days, even if without symptoms or even with a negative test result.

Please see AUHSD Covid Decision Tree for more details.*

*Information will soon be updated for students who have been fully immunized.

Positive for COVID?
Please contact me as soon as possible.

COVID Resources and Protocols
Available on the
District website and on my site.

Stay healthy and be well,

Dvora Citron, RN, MS
Acalanes School Nurse Google Site
IG:  acalanesschoolnurse