News & Announcements

School Nurse

COVID and Back-to-School

  • All students should complete screening online BEFORE leaving home for school in the morning. 
  • If your student has any symptoms that fall within the COVID symptom list, please keep them at home and call in their absence to the Attendance Recorder.
  • Please connect with me ASAP if your student has COVID, a known exposure to COVID, or is experiencing COVID symptoms. I will be in touch as soon as possible to discuss next steps.

COVID Resources and Protocols
Available on the
District website and on my site.

Thursday, April 8 at 4pm “Pandemic Parenting: Supporting Teen Mental Health” Webinar
Join us for
this webinar, where Dr. Archana Basu will discuss how the pandemic is affecting teen, parent, and family mental health. Dr. Basu will provide practical evidence-based ways to manage parental stress, and share tips for communicating with and supporting teens and young adults.

Stay healthy and be well,

Dvora Citron, RN, MS
Acalanes School Nurse Google Site
IG:  acalanesschoolnurse