News & Announcements

School Nurse

Is it COVID-19, the Flu, a Cold, Allergies or Asthma?

School Immunization Requirements are still in place.
Please check in with your local pediatrician’s office, Primary Care Provider, or our
County Health Department (call 925-313-6767 for additional hours through September).

Flu Vaccine
Beginning in October, please have everyone in your family get a Flu vaccine. We all want to stay as healthy as possible, individually and collectively as a community.  Reduced illness from flu will also ease the burden of illness from Covid in our hospital facilities.

Medical Forms and Medications at School
Please turn in any relevant medical forms your student might need for the 2020-21 school year. Those forms should be dated no earlier than June 2020. You can access forms here.

Still on Quarantine! Transitioning Back to School Routine After Summer Break

I like to share parenting resources and I love the site: 6seconds on emotional intelligence.  Right now they are offering a free Kindle version of this book: Whole Hearted Parenting

Please get in touch with me with any questions, concerns, and/or requests. I look forward to being in touch and connected!

Dvora Citron, RN, MS
Acalanes School Nurse Google Site
IG:  acalanesschoolnurse