News & Announcements

School Nurse

Is your student interested in a health science career? Tell them to come to the Acalanes Health & Medicine Student Club meeting next week at lunch on Tuesday, when they’ll hear from a Bay Area Doctor in Residency.

(Fore)HEADS-UP! Part of our “new normal” needs to be checking our temperature each morning, especially if you are leaving your house to be in any public/social environment. That means if you don’t already have a thermometer, this is a good time to get one!

Be Covid Proactive! See update on my google site. Stay healthy by keeping this symptom checklist in mind.

Here’s a great one-pager on SLEEP to remind you why it’s so good for us.

Dvora Citron
, RN, MS
Acalanes School Nurse Google Site
IG:  acalanesschoolnurse