Thanks to our Parent Ed family at Campolindo, we are offering some tips for study habits/skills:
Cynthia C. Muchnick, M.A. writes “After this challenging year of Zoom school, hybrid learning, and all sorts of unknowns for students, traditional study skills and time management strategies fell by the wayside.”
Most students didn’t have the opportunity to see peers or engage with teachers face-to-face during remote learning, and many kids even developed unusual sleep patterns. And when teens did roll out of bed to attend class, they did so in pajamas with constant temptation for distraction and short-cuts. Read more about Cynthia’s tips on how you as a parent/guardian can help instill and support good learning habits here. Feel free to check here for additional resources on study skills and strategies.
As previously mentioned, sleep is essential for brain health as well as for overall health and well-being. Most teens need between 8-10 hours of sleep each night (or maybe even more!), and homework, screens, extracurricular activities, and brain changes can sabotage. The Sleep Foundation offers some tips on sleep and sleep hygiene to help your teen sleep better.
Finally, if your teen is struggling with academics or feeling down or frustrated about school, don’t forget to use our Counselors, our Nurse, and our Wellness Center as resources.
Feel free to reach out and connect with us with ideas for future topics, shareable resources, or thoughts at