Recommended Reading & Viewing
“Challenge Success’ Say What?” From the Challenge Success Parent Education event. The Power of Communication in Raising Healthy, Engaged Kids video featuring the humorous Dr. Wendy Mogel, a clinical psychologist and author of Voice Lessons for Parents, along with Challenge Success Co-Founders, Dr. Denise Pope and Dr. Madeline Levine, and two youth mental health advocates from the Children’s Health Council Teen Wellness Committee, Meghna Singh and Reneé Remsberg. (For easier navigation of the video, look at the comments section for a detailed outline of timestamps for different segments of the event.)
Dr. Brad Sachs’ Challenge Success keynote speech “The Good Enough Parents, Good Enough Child”
“Why We Sleep” by Professor Matthew Walker
Learn to love being bored. Manoush Zomorodi explains the connection between spacing out and creativity. “How boredom can lead to your most brilliant ideas”
“The Hacking of the American Mind” by Dr. Robert Lustig on our dopamine addiction
Documentary: The Mask You Live In follows boys and young men as they struggle to stay true to themselves while negotiating America’s narrow definition of masculinity.
Watch trailer.
Film available on Netflix.
Vaping Health Risks to Teens by NBC News
How to Raise An Adult by Julie Lythcott-Haims
iGen by Jean Twenge
How Colleges Today Are Supporting Student Mental Health from Greater Good magazine
Denise Pope on AP Classes
Online Resources
A Brighter Day Parent Resources
A Brighter Day’s primary goal is to unite depression and related issues resources with teens through local teenage bands. The website’s Parent Resources page features comprehensive resources on topics ranging from depression and suicide prevention to relationship, nutrition and family life.
National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) Answers Questions About Suicide
What are the risks and warning signs that someone may be contemplating suicide? How can I help myself or someone else? Check out NIMH Questions and Answers for information pertaining to children and teens.
Center for Parent and Teen Communication
Find tons of practical tips and techniques for effectively talking with your teen.
Cell Phones
Challenge Success
The AUHSD District Schools have undertaken work with Challenge Success to reduce student stress and improve school climate. For more information visit the Challenge Success.
Wellness Resources
It can be difficult to know what your teen is feeling, and many times they are reluctant to talk to us as parents. It’s important that all teens know about 1-800-273-TALK, a 24-7 hotline where they can reach out anonymously.
The Contra Costa Crisis Center is a first-line resource where you will find support in many areas. They are always available via voice (simply dial 211) or text (text HOPE to 20121). Check out their website at
At school, your child can find help by going to the new on-campus Wellness Center, located behind College & Career in the administration building. All check-ins are confidential.
For local mental health support, visit the NAMI Contra Costa webpage:
To find a therapist, consult your health insurance, and/or use Psychology Today’s Find-a-Therapist tool:
And did you know? The John F. Kennedy University Community Counseling Center provides affordable counseling services to the public at three locations in the Bay Area: Concord, Oakland and Sunnyvale. Graduate students under the supervision of licensed professionals conduct counseling sessions for individuals, couples, and groups. 925-798-9240 John F. Kennedy University Community Counseling Center
Acalanes School Nurse for 14 years, Dvora Citron is passionate about supporting the health & wellness of the Acalanes community. She is on campus 3 days per week (Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Friday mornings). Visit her School Nurse website.