News & Announcements


Welcome to 2021!

We Hope You Listened to Your LPIE Donations at Work!
LPIE supports Instrumental Music, Choral and Drama performing arts, plus visual arts at Acalanes. The Winter Performances helped kick off winter break – if you missed any of them please check out LPIE’s social media site or find links

LPIE’s Community Campaign Podcast
Take a walk down memory lane with long-time residents, Mary McCosker and Kelly Daggs, as they dive into the history behind LPIE. Mary and Kelly take the listener back 40 years, to what started as a response to budget cuts in music and the arts, and has grown into a significant partnership with the two Lafayette school districts. Episode 6 reminds us why we all choose to move here: “Green Hills, Great Schools.” When you live in Lafayette, you truly understand what community means. Click  to listen.

Kate Rurka
& Jennifer Palmer
Acalanes LPIE School Chairs