Acalanes Attendance Procedures
All absences, including full school day, late zoom arrivals and early zoom departures need to be called in at 925-280-3973. Remember, it is the responsibility of parents to call the message recorder for each and every student absence including dental and medical appointments. All absences not cleared within 48-hours are turned into cuts. For your convenience, the AHS message recorder is available 24-hours a day. Please bookmark and refer to the AHS website for detailed instructions and additional information.
Textbook Return & Pickup
At last count we have over 1000 unreturned textbooks and novels out from last year. Our fellow Dons need these books! Please find those materials and drop them anytime outside the AHS Library. For students missing textbooks for the current year, please visit campus this week, Tuesday through Friday from 2-4pm in the Library, to collect outstanding materials.
Thursday, Aug 20 Virtual Back to School Night
Watch your email this week for agenda details and instructions on how to participate.