Welcome to the start of the 2021-2022 school year from the APC Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee! We are an amazing committee of volunteer parents who want every family and student to feel like they are part of our school’s fabric.
Diversity, equity and inclusion are more than buzz words at Acalanes, these are part of our core values and we want everyone to feel a sense of belonging in our school community, regardless of their background. Our uniqueness is what makes this school community interesting.
There are many components to our committee and we invite you to join us to engage and learn. We accomplished so much last year and hope to build on the momentum this school year with in-person events and engaging events. Our goal is to bring more people to the table to listen and learn since DEI encompasses such a wide spectrum.
We are excited to work and partner with you. Please join us at our first meeting on August 18 at 7pm (email us at diversityandinclusion@acalanesparentsclub.com for location details). Don’t forget to follow us on Instagram @acalanesdei!
We wish you a wonderful start to the school year and go Dons!!