Diversity, Equity and Inclusion means to value, care for, lift up and include all.
Thank you to all who have read our section and may have participated in DEI events this school year. For many of us who are white and cis gender it took a lot of courage to admit we had been blind to the suffering, often inadvertently, afflicted on others in our human family. To those of you who are curious but were not able to join us, we invite you to join an event next year. We are constantly working on ideas for book clubs, special guest appearances, workshops and more. Have some great ideas? Consider joining one of our meetings, or email us. We are always looking for people to join us in the highly relevant work of DEI. Several positions are open. Please get in touch if you are interested.
This month we continue to recognize our AAPI friends and in June we celebrate LGBTQ+ pride. Have a happy and restful summer!
Be sure to follow us on Instagram @acalanesdei!