Counselor assignments are by student last name:
A-F Anne Schonauer
G-Ka Erika Vasquez
Ke-Re Marissa Meadows
Rh-Z Susan Martin
CSF Applications are OPEN! The CSF application period is open! CSF (California Scholarship Federation) is an honor society. Current 10th, 11th and 12th graders are encouraged to apply. A complete CSF application has 2 parts- an application form and a payment on the webstore. Turn in forms in the counseling office. The deadline is Feb 28 for both the form and the payment! Students who are members for at least 4 semesters, including during senior year, will get special stole to wear at graduation. Read the FAQ on the application form and contact Ms. Schonauer for any clarification.
Counselor assignments are by student last name:
A-F Anne Schonauer
G-Ka Erika Vasquez
Ke-Re Marissa Meadows
Rh-Z Susan Martin
Individual Appointments with Counselors Feb 10-11: Counselors will continue meeting with individual students this week to confirm course selections. All class requests are due to the district office by the end of the week!
CSF Applications are OPEN! All 10th -12th graders can apply for California Scholarship Federation (CSF) membership during the month of February. Applications can be found here and are also available in the Counseling Office. The cost is $7 on the webstore. Four semesters of membership qualify a student as Lifetime CSF member, which allows students to wear a gold stole at graduation. Please come to the Counseling Office if you have more questions, or email the CSF Advisor, Ms. Schonauer, at
Counselor assignments are by student last name:
A-F Anne Schonauer
G-Ka Erika Vasquez
Ke-Re Marissa Meadows
Rh-Z Susan Martin
Individual Appointments with Counselors Feb 3-11: Students will be assigned an appointment time with their counselor to turn in their course selection form and review their course selections for next year. This appointment time will be on a label on the front of their course selection sheet. Students may leave class prior to their appointment time and return to class after they have met with their counselor.
Counselor assignments are by student last name:
A-F Anne Schonauer
G-Ka Erika Vasquez
Ke-Re Marissa Meadows
Rh-Z Susan Martin
Course Selection Presentations: Counselors will be continuing this week with a visit to Stanley Middle School on Monday, Jan 27 and visits to 11th grade USH/APUSH classes on Tuesday and Wednesday, Jan 28 and Jan 29. We will be giving students updated transcripts and the course selection form to fill out.
Open House/Course Preview Night Thursday, Jan 30: Acalanes will host their annual Open House/Course Preview Night. This is a great opportunity to check out classes of interest for next year. All 9th-11th grade students and parents are invited!
Individual Appointments with Counselors Feb 3-11: Students will be assigned an appointment time with their counselor to turn in their course selection form and review their course selections for next year. This appointment time will be on a label on the front of their course selection sheet.
Counselor assignments are by student last name:
A-F Anne Schonauer
G-Ka Erika Vasquez
Ke-Re Marissa Meadows
Rh-Z Susan Martin
Course Selection Presentations Counselors will be visiting 9th grade PE classes on Jan 21 and Jan 22 to hand out course selection sheets for the 25-26 school year! We will talk about the process and the ways they can inform themselves and make good decisions for next year. 10th grade English classes will be visited on Jan 23 and Jan 24 and 11th grade USH classes will be visited on Jan 28 and Jan 29.
Open House/Course Preview Night Thursday, Jan 30 Acalanes will host their annual Open House/Course Preview Night. This is a great opportunity to check out classes of interest for next year. All 9th-11th grade students and parents are invited!
Individual Appointments with Counselors Feb 3-11 Students will be assigned an appointment time with their counselor to turn in their course selection form and review their course selections for next year. This appointment time will be on a label on the front of their course selection sheet.
Counselor assignments are by student last name:
A-F Anne Schonauer
G-Ka Erika Vasquez
Ke-Re Marissa Meadows
Rh-Z Susan Martin
Frosh/Soph Parent Night is this Thursday, Jan 16 at 6:30pm in the library: Come hear Counselor Marissa Meadows and College and Career Advisor Debbie Levy speak about the Course Selection process coming up as well as things to be thinking about for college.
Counselor assignments are by student last name:
A-F Anne Schonauer
G-Ka Erika Vasquez
Ke-Re Marissa Meadows
Rh-Z Susan Martin
Final semester grades will be available on Friday, Jan 10. Transcripts will be updated, and mid-year reports for Common Application schools will be sent for seniors’ college applications.
Juniors ONLY SAT in March - REGISTER NOW: The webstore link is now live/activated to pay for SAT fees for juniors only. The price per exam is $60 and is scheduled during the school day on Wednesday, Mar 5, 2025. The deadline to submit payment through the webstore is TOMORROW, Monday, Jan 6, 2025. Your webstore receipt is your confirmation of your registration. If you have any questions, please contact our Testing Coordinator, Jamielle McDonald by email
Frosh/Soph Parent Night - Thursday, Jan. 16 at 6:30pm in the Library Come hear Counselor Marissa Meadows and College and Career Advisor Debbie Levy speak about the Course Selection process coming up as well as things to be thinking about for college.
Counselor assignments are by student last name:
A-F Anne Schonauer
G-Ka Erika Vasquez
Ke-Re Marissa Meadows
Rh-Z Susan Martin
Wishing everyone the best of luck with final exams! Here is the finals schedule.
Final semester grades will be available on Friday, Jan 10. Transcripts will be updated, and mid-year reports for Common Application schools will be sent for seniors’ college applications.
Juniors ONLY SAT in March - REGISTER NOW: The webstore link is now live/activated to pay for SAT fees for juniors only. The price per exam is $60 and is scheduled during the school day on Wednesday, Mar 5, 2025. The deadline to submit payment through the webstore is Monday, Jan 6, 2025. Your webstore receipt is your confirmation of your registration. If you have any questions, please contact our Testing Coordinator, Jamielle McDonald by email
Counselor assignments are by student last name:
A-F Anne Schonauer
G-Ka Erika Vasquez
Ke-Re Marissa Meadows
Rh-Z Susan Martin
Wishing everyone the best of luck with final exams! Here is the finals schedule.
Final semester grades will be available on Friday, Jan 10. Transcripts will be updated, and mid-year reports for Common Application schools will be sent for seniors’ college applications.
Counselor assignments are by student last name:
A-F Anne Schonauer
G-Ka Erika Vasquez
Ke-Re Marissa Meadows
Rh-Z Susan Martin
INDIVIDUAL MEETINGS WITH 9TH GRADERS Counselors are finishing up their individual meetings with 9th graders this week. Wishing everyone the best of luck with final exams! Here is the finals schedule.