News & Announcements


Counselor assignments are by student last name:
A-F Anne Schonauer  
G-Ka Erika Vasquez
Ke-Re Marissa Meadows 
Rh-Z Susan Martin

The CSF application period is open! CSF (California Scholarship Federation) is an honor society. Current 11th and 12th graders are encouraged to apply. A complete CSF application has 2 parts – an application form and a payment on the webstore. Turn in forms to the counseling office. The deadline is Sep 30 for both the form and the payment! Students use the grades they earned in spring 2024 to fill out the form this month. Students who are members for at least 4 semesters, including during senior year, will get special stole to wear at graduation. Read the FAQ on the application form  and contact  Ms. Schonauer for any clarification.
CLASS SCHEDULES Students can now only drop a class, they can’t add any new classes. Students can drop a 1st or last class of the day for an Off Campus, or they can drop a class and add a TA that period. The deadline to drop a class is the end of the first quarter, Friday, Oct 11. After this date, any class dropped will receive an automatic F grade. 
INDIVIDUAL SENIOR APPOINTMENTS Counselors will start seeing seniors individually starting this week. During these appointments, we will look at Maia Learning, talk about schools and deadlines, discuss documents needed, and come up with a to-do list for you/your student, if necessary.
FIRST PROGRESS REPORTS This week is the last week of the first grading period!  Progress reports should be available in Aeries next week, reflecting grades from the start of school through Sep 13. The next grading period will be the end of first quarter, Oct 11.  Continued athletic eligibility will be determined from these grades for fall sports.