News & Announcements

College & Career


  • Update Naviance with College Decisions/Exit Survey Congratulations to all seniors!  Please 1) log into Naviance 2) Click on About Me 3) Choose Surveys from Your School 4) Click Senior Exit Survey to update the decisions. This is how your students’ final transcripts will be sent!
  • Thursday, May 20 at 6pm Senior Awards Night – All Seniors will be invited to the Large Gym to celebrate as fellow students receive awards and scholarships. This will be live-streamed, as space will be limited to students only this year.


  • Applications due Friday, April 23 Healthcare Internship Opportunity – Junior Achievement is offering a 4 week internship for students interested in medical careers. 
  • Stay in the loop – Please follow the CCC instagram to keep up-to-date with college timeline details. Share this with your students too. @ahs_college_career
  • SAT Testing Reminder – Although many schools are test-optional, there are 2 upcoming SAT dates for students who may have prepared for these exams already.  Locations are limited, but do check the College Board website to register for the May 8 or June 5 SAT administrations. Deadlines are soon.  
  • Wednesday, April 28 from 5-7:45pm Virtual College Visits – Join a Virtual College Visit with your student. Students can interact and ask questions of a large group of college admissions officers. This is a great way to connect and show a college your child is interested! Sessions included on topics such as finding a college that fits, paying for college, and writing a college essay presented by college admission counselors.
  • Job Opportunities – Encourage your child to check out for jobs this summer. Enter Lafayette Teen in the search box and see the possibilities!
  • Resume Support – Please let your student know that Mrs. Levy enjoys helping students build their resumes. Naviance is also a great spot to work on resumes. 


  • Healthcare Internship Opportunity – Junior Achievement is offering a 4 week internship for students interested in medical careers. Application Due 4/23

All Students
Zoom Nights every Monday and Tuesday during the month of April with your new advisor, Debbie Levy, to learn more and ask questions! Both students and parents are invited. We can set more in depth follow-up appointments too! CLICK ON THE LINK on Monday or Tuesday

Freshmen & Parents – 7-7:30pm Monday  April 19
Sophomores & Parents – 7-7:30pm Tuesday April 20
Juniors & Parents – 7:35-8:05pm Monday April 19
Seniors & Parents – 7:35-8:05pm Tuesday April 20

Please follow the CCC instagram to keep up-to-date. Share this with your students too. @ahs_college_career
