News & Announcements

College & Career

Senior exit survey is mandatory: If your student has decided on their post high school plans, please have them log into Naviance and finish their senior survey. It is the only way final transcripts will be sent to colleges.
Thank you to those parents who were able to make it to last week’s Rising Senior Parent Night! For those who couldn’t, you can view the slides from the evening here.
Stanford University Admissions Night: May 14 from 6:30-7:30pm in the Campolindo CPAC. Open to all students, parents, and caregivers in the district. Learn about Stanford University from Admission Counselor, Neha Patel. This will be an overview of Stanford University and the programs they offer.
Support for LGBQTIA+ students: Please explore these links to learn more about schools that are more welcoming.
Please visit our College & Career Counseling website any time for additional information and support.