Practice ACT Exam, Nov. 14, 9am-1pm
Live, online, proctored exam, cost: $10. Sign up here.
One-on-one Appointments
Students can book an individual meeting with Ms. Reicher here. Please encourage your student to take advantage regardless of where they are in the process.
Tomorrow, Nov 2 Admissions Virtual Reps Visits for Junior and Senior students via Naviance.
Have your student sign up! Here are some of the schools this week: URichmond, Texas Tech, Tufts and more!
Tuesday, Nov 17 at 7pm Parent Naviance Workshop for Juniors
Zoom ID: 651 363 0875 Password: DONS2021. Log in using your students AUHSD Zoom account.
Helpful Links:
Freshman College Planning
Sophomore College Planning
Junior College Planning
Senior Checklist
- CCC Website
- Follow us on Instagram: @acalanesccc
- Facebook Page for Students Have your senior or junior join the College and Career Student FB page
Keep up the good work!
Wendy Reicher/College and Career Advisor: