Wellness Center

OFFICE HOURS: Monday – Friday 7:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.

Year two in the Wellness Center has been all about reconnecting. It’s been a joy for Our door is open, as are our hearts, for those who are struggling with loss or mental health concerns. We hope you’ll remind your kids that the Wellness Center is here for them! 

Allen Choi, Wellness Coordinator (ext. 7150)
Casey Sasner, Intake Specialist (ext. 7136)

Follow us on Instagram (acalaneswellness) and Twitter (@acalaneswellness)

Wellness Center

Mindfulness and meditation are both invaluable skills to develop during a mental health journey. Mindfulness based interventions have been shown to reduce anxiety and depression. There’s also evidence that mindfulness…

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School Nurse

OFFICE HOURS:Tuesdays & Wednesdays 7:30am-3:20pm, Fridays 7:30am-11:30am

If your student needs medications* made available to them at school, please go to my google site to download the appropriate forms.  Please make sure all forms are thoroughly completed and have both parent and valid MD signature. (Even for over-the-counter medications). Then you can turn in the medication and forms to me in the front office!  More information on my google site!

*This includes epipens and inhalers! Please make sure to let me know if your student carries one!

Dvora Citron, R.N., M.S.
Acalanes School Nurse
925.280.3970 x7128

School Nurse

What to eat when you have the flu (or a stomach illness): If your student has nausea, vomiting or diarrhea, remember the BRAT (bananas, (white) rice, applesauce and toast) diet. You…

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OFFICE HOURS: Monday/Wednesday/Friday 8:30am – 4:00pm, Tuesday/Thursday 7:30am – 4:00pm

Counselors are assigned by student last name, as follows:

Last names A- E          Anne Schonauer  aschonauer@auhsdschools.org   x7113
Last names F – Lar      Christine Todd   ctodd@auhsdschools.org   x 7114
Last names Las- Roh  Marissa Meadows  mmeadows@auhsdschools.org   x7145
Last names Rog- Z      Susan Martin  smartin@auhsdschools.org   x 7139


Counselor assignments are by student last name:A-F Anne Schonauer  G-Ka Erika VasquezKe-Re Marissa Meadows Rh-Z Susan Martin CSF Applications are OPEN! The CSF application period is open! CSF (California Scholarship Federation) is an honor society. Current 10th, 11th and 12th …

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