We had a small group of kids and adults show up on Sunday, April 21 (Earth Day) to plant, weed, and set up irrigation. All of our summer crops are planted and thanks to Yuri and his son Alexey we have drip irrigation installed in all the beds! We have a small layer of straw to help with water conservation and weed suppression. The weeds are pretty fierce so we will spend the last two garden club lunch meetings weeding in the farm.
We have our summer schedule and mulch date set up. Unfortunately it is too close to the end of year to have another Sunday work party so we are planning our mulching work day on Sunday, Aug 25 when we return, and will go 9-11am to avoid the hot midday heat. We are fortunate that Ecomulch will donate the mulch that we need and only charge us a small delivery fee.
Our summer work evenings will be Tuesdays 5:30-7:30pm. We will weed, harvest, and start our “community veggie boxes” if we have a big harvest. We will meet every Tuesday except the first two weeks of July. The dates are: 6/11, 6/18, 6/25, 7/16, 7/23, 7/30, 8/6. Either Mrs. Challacombe or myself (or both) will be there. If you think you can/want to come to any of these evenings, please sign up HERE.
Finally, we are in desperate need of cardboard and could also use new gardening tools and gloves. Please feel free to drop items off at room 201 before the year is done. If you are binging bardboard, it would be great if you could remove any tape and labels before you drop it off.
Thanks so much for all of your support. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to Ms. Tewksbury (