Thursday, Oct 29 at 6:50pm – ACA Night at the Drive-In Movies, Solano Drive In
Mark your calendars for the final celebration of ACAtober! Join your friends & family (socially distanced) for a fun movie night under the stars! The theater is showing Monster House, an animated family movie that is perfect for Halloween. We encourage you to get there a few minutes early!
ACA E-Thanks to Acalanes Teachers & Staff
The first quarter is over and November will focus on gratitude and giving back. Let’s let our awesome teachers and staff know NOW how much we all appreciate what they do for our students. This week, please email at least one – if not all! – of your student’s teachers with a brief note of thanks. Not sure what to write? It can be as simple as: “Thank you for all you’re doing to help support my student during Distance Learning. Your efforts are thoroughly appreciated.” Emails to Acalanes administrators and staff are encouraged too!
Questions, comments or feedback, email